The restoration works, or rather, the reconstruction
of the interiorI ambegin mid-July 2023
a very muggy Wednesday morning
a team of 'motivated' people dismasted her and took her to the construction site
in the port area of San Benedetto del Tronto.
There was such enthusiasm to get involved
that the work began the same day.
Oh yes, everyone at work.
3 months have now passed and the boat is already unrecognizable.
I can't believe my eyes.
Emidio Giammarco and all the magical crew are
giving THE MAXIMUM to respect the scheduled times while avoiding unexpected events.
As visible in page where we tell the episode of the fire on board,
the amount of work to be done is impressive, but those guys, as I said above,
they are highly 'motivated'. On this page you will find photos and videos
which we toured documenting all the restoration works.
Divided into episodes, we describe step by step
what we did to bring the boat back to its splendor.
They are all also published on our YouTube channel.
The first time you visit our YouTube channel, subscribe immediately.
An official invitation to the launch is valid.
In spring ;-)
as it was before the fire
the owner's cabin
as we found it on the night of July 17th
bad scene
everything burned
anything below deck is to be thrown away
see the full gallery dthe fire
off to work exactly 1 year 1 month 1 day after those fire
let's dismantle the boom
yes it must be done first
it seems light
and voilà ...
pready to spend the winter making herself beautiful
on board and in the carpentry
The Di Girolamo family, as well as co-owners of VITALYCA, have been involved in naval carpentry for generations.
The boat is in the hands and ingenuity of some of the best in Italy. Something more than 'mastersaxe'.
note....The images you see are from the first days of processing and restoration.
As of today (we will upload more photos soon), the work has progressed a lot and we are almost ready to put her back in the water.